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Night of the Molse Fondclub 2017

The board would like to THANK all attendees, sympathizers, sponsors, buyers of the donations and those who have shown so much commitment

for the success of the 40th Night of the Molse Fondclub

We saw on Saturday that the pigeon sport is still alive among the people who have come from afar to celebrate with us.

The West and East Flanders, Brabant, Limburg (almost all of Belgium), the Netherlands, Germany

Thought it was quite an experience, a top-level celebration with good food, not a celebration with long stringed coupons but smooth coupons

on the right track by Lemmens Ulrich Thank you

Bestuur wenst iedereen

Van harte te BEDANKEN

Voor het welslagen van onze


Vitesse & Hafo

Onze asduiven Vitesse & Hafo

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